Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Why does Yahoo allow a advertiser to adveertise FREE credit score....when its not free?

the report is free BUT the score is a additional 5 to 7 dollars per report

Why does Yahoo allow a advertiser to adveertise FREE credit score....when its not free?

read it more carefully it says free report ( yes it says something like would you like to know your credit score but doesn%26#039;t say it%26#039;s free ) IF IT SEEMS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE .... oh and your personal info has now been sold !!! ----------------------------------------... I AM WRONG WRONG WRONG ------it does state as you said !!!

Why does Yahoo allow a advertiser to adveertise FREE credit score....when its not free?

Yahoo employees don%26#039;t come FREE, and they need paid.

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