Wednesday, May 26, 2010

When should I check my credit score again after disputing alot on report?

i have been working on c redit report for about 2 months now.. I have raised my score alot ... I need to know what time of the month should I check my score again.. I need to have my score higher about 10 points. so I did some more disputing and paying for things on time agian.. so when should I check score? HELP

When should I check my credit score again after disputing alot on report?

Your dispute may take 30-45 days to be completed. You can call the credit reporting agency to see when the results are final, or wait until you receive the results of all of the disputes. That way you are not paying for an extra credit score before everything is complete.

When should I check my credit score again after disputing alot on report?

I would think that the time you disputed impacts when you should check your score again. It is my understanding that the creditor has 30 days to confirm the disuputed information.

So I would check again in about 35 days (not sure if it is 30 business days or not but if so add the appropriate number of days for same)

and check after that.

congrats for rasing your score

be sure to update us regarding what tactics have been sucessful!

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